Monday 14 March 2011

Skinner Releasing Technique

On Tuesday the 18th January we had a skinner releasing workshop with Florence Peake. It was very interesting and made me think differently about how my body moves and how it can vary by thinking of different images. We focused on different images in different sessions.

The images that stood out and helped me the most were white mist, marionette strings and the string between/tangled in the fingers. These images helped me the most because they helped me connect to the movements I was making.

Marionette Strings- This image helped me with my posture when dancing. It also made me realise I have a lot of tension in my shoulders. However, when moving around I felt lighter and faster when focusing on them and my balance improved.

White Mist- This image helped me with my breathing when moving. I usually find it difficult to concentrate on my breathing so this image really improved my movements and made me feel energised.

String- This image allowed me too feel lighter and focus on delicate and intricate movements. I really got lost in this image and is my favourite to work with as you can really focus on the details of the movements.

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